She also said he's got bee-yootiful eyes.

Whaddya think? Could he be me?
I'm keepin' my pawsies crossed, hehehe!
(Hey, MA-RI-LYN! willya teach me howta write poetry, pleez, pleez, pleez... and why did Dorydoo's butt have to get into my pretty eyez pikshure... who wants to look at my sistur's butt...)
Okay, I'm back... and I founded out he's ME! he's ME! Purr-etty Ariel's gotta crush on ME! I'm spazzin' and dancin' all ovur the house!
Hi Chairman Mao,
Well the secret's out.Daisy guessed
who it is.Go to my blog and see as if you didn't already know...Huggs Ariel
Wow are her mancat! You are furrry lucky to be loved by such a sweet girl like Ariel! So many kitties never find love of any kind in any of their 9 lives....that is sad 4 sure...
Daisy made a good guess:)
deer mao,
heer'z howta rite sum poetree:
rozez ar red
violetz ar blu
sugar iz sweet an
mao'z eyez ar blu.
dere u hav it!
yer grate frend--jh
Oh how wonderful Mao Mao... do you think you will get a little kiss? Smoochies
of course its you! You are a handsome big mancate with gorgeous eyes - you are a meezer!! How could it have been anyone else??
You do have beeeyootiful eyes.
MaoMao you are one lucky guy!
Wow! Love is in the air! I guess Springtime does that to a kitty. Your eyes are so wonderful that I can't blame her!
Concatulations Chairman Mao!!! Ariel is a very pretty lady cat. Be furry good to her, ok?
Luf, Us
WOWIE!! Ariel is certainly a purrty girl!
Wooohoooo! Chairman Mao and Ariel! What a wonderful couple you two make.
Yay for romance! The two of you make a cute couple.
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