Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm a Blur!

I move so fast most of the time, it's hard for Momma to get a picture of me!

Okay, okay, Momma, I'll sit still. Really, I will. .... hey, what's that... oh, fiddle-fardle finkle-fart! I gotta go after it, I gotta go after it...

All right, Momma! This time, I'll sit still. ***squeak, squeak, squeak*** Is that Dorydoo? Oh DAGNABBIT, she's comin' after me, she's gonna kick my butt! Gotta run, gotta run...

Yeah, yeah, Dorydoo, whatever.. girlz... *click*, huh whazzat? Well, how do ya like that... Momma lucked out. She finally got a picture of me where I'm nut a blur.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Yer one fast dude! That what all our photos would look like if Daddykitty did not have a super-duper speedo camera.

We finally posted our Meme Favorites!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hehe Chairman Mao - you iz so funny!

PS. My mommy says she feels your mommy's pain when it comes to takin' pictures....dunno what she's talkin' about...*I* feel pain in my eyes when she uses da silly flash!

Lux said...

And a nice picture it is, too!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Cute photos Mao. :) When my mom forgets to change the setting on the camera to catch fast-moving things, my photos end up like that too!

Anonymous said...

I was going fast today too - I practicing to maybe go on da lam like Skeezix's brofur, Mao, cos Meowmie caught me eating kibble off her fancee plates - but I don't fink I go as fast as you! Meowmie managed to get fotos of me running - efun if dey were furry blurry.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Sometimes it's hard to sit/stand still for the camera, hey? Especially when it's flashy.

Daisy said...

Oh, that last photo is very wonderful! I like to move fast too. Thank goodness for digital cameras!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i'm laffin an laffin at yer pikshurz.
mao ... mi brudder an yer sistah ar crazee.
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Mao Mao, Even as a blur you are so handsome!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Forty Paws said...

Wowie! That made us dizzy watching you race around after stuff! That's how G.T. is. Never sits still.

Luf, Us

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You are very very handsome Mao.
I am also a blur in many of mommies pictures

Parker said...

Mommy wishes she had a dollar for every photo she has deleted 'cause I am a blur, she'd have enough to buy a better camera!

Anonymous said...

You should pose more your very handsome especially your beautiful blue eyes...Hugs Ariel

Monica said...

Hi Chairman. Phoebe and I are back from our vacation.

You are funny in your pictures all a blur. I like to sit still for pictures. Tracy says I'm very photogenic. Phoebe moves around a lot though.