Okay, okay, Momma, I'll sit still. Really, I will. .... hey, what's that... oh, fiddle-fardle finkle-fart! I gotta go after it, I gotta go after it...

All right, Momma! This time, I'll sit still. ***squeak, squeak, squeak*** Is that Dorydoo? Oh DAGNABBIT, she's comin' after me, she's gonna kick my butt! Gotta run, gotta run...

Yeah, yeah, Dorydoo, whatever.. girlz... *click*, huh whazzat? Well, how do ya like that... Momma lucked out. She finally got a picture of me where I'm nut a blur.

Yer one fast dude! That what all our photos would look like if Daddykitty did not have a super-duper speedo camera.
We finally posted our Meme Favorites!
Hehe Chairman Mao - you iz so funny!
PS. My mommy says she feels your mommy's pain when it comes to takin' pictures....dunno what she's talkin' about...*I* feel pain in my eyes when she uses da silly flash!
And a nice picture it is, too!
Cute photos Mao. :) When my mom forgets to change the setting on the camera to catch fast-moving things, my photos end up like that too!
I was going fast today too - I practicing to maybe go on da lam like Skeezix's brofur, Mao, cos Meowmie caught me eating kibble off her fancee plates - but I don't fink I go as fast as you! Meowmie managed to get fotos of me running - efun if dey were furry blurry.
Sometimes it's hard to sit/stand still for the camera, hey? Especially when it's flashy.
Oh, that last photo is very wonderful! I like to move fast too. Thank goodness for digital cameras!
i'm laffin an laffin at yer pikshurz.
mao ... mi brudder an yer sistah ar crazee.
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Oh Mao Mao, Even as a blur you are so handsome!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Wowie! That made us dizzy watching you race around after stuff! That's how G.T. is. Never sits still.
Luf, Us
You are very very handsome Mao.
I am also a blur in many of mommies pictures
Mommy wishes she had a dollar for every photo she has deleted 'cause I am a blur, she'd have enough to buy a better camera!
You should pose more your very handsome especially your beautiful blue eyes...Hugs Ariel
Hi Chairman. Phoebe and I are back from our vacation.
You are funny in your pictures all a blur. I like to sit still for pictures. Tracy says I'm very photogenic. Phoebe moves around a lot though.
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