See, here's Brainball and Dorydoo in the same position.

And here's Marilyn, sleepin' much the same way except her tongue's stickin' out.

So I start worryin' that maybe these aren't my sisters at all. Ever seen that movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, where pod people take over the world, pod people who all act the same? Well, I got to thinkin', maybe these aren't really my sisters. Maybe they're Pod Kitties.
Here I am, MaoMao, sniffin' Brainball to see whether or not she's a Pod Kitty.

And here I am sniffin' Marilyn to see whether she's a Pod Kitty.

I'm not gonna sniff Dorydoo because if she ain't a Pod Kitty, I don't want her to swat me. She doesn't like me very much.

Okay, I don't think my sisters are Pod Kitties, but I'm outta the bedroom now. I'm not takin' any chances 'til they wake up and I can see that they're normal.

Whew - I was worried about you. I'm sure glad your sisters didn't turn into Pod Kitties. Maybe I'd best keep an eye on mine for pod-like behavior.
Sometimes I need to check my brother and sisters too! It's always good to be certain.
Dearest Marilyn,
I've left a special poem for you on my brother's blog today.
MaoMao, you are very very careful and caring to check on your sisters like that. I agree, it seemed pretty suspicious there for a while...
Wow! Maw remembers the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers and it scared her to death cuz she was a wee little thing when she watched it. We're sure glad that your sisfurs aren't pod kittys.
Luf, Us
Wow! If it turns out they are really pod kitties, maybe you can go on Mystery Science Theater 3000!
Whew, that would be scary. Pod sisters! *shudder* Let us know how they are when they wake up.
I'm glad they weren't pod kitties. That would've been super scary.
My dearest Mickey,
I loved your poem. It made my breath come faster and and my whiskers twitch deliciously.
Ever your loving,
Thanks, everybodies! I'm happy to report that when my sisters woke up, I found out they aren't pod kitties after all. *whew*, I'm so glad, I was really worried there for a while! I don't know what I'd do livin' with three podgirlkitties. And yes, it's always a good idea to be sure our sisters and brudders ain't been podded.
And as youkitties can see, Marilyn's all swoony and whisker-touchy-feely over Mickey, so she ain't no pod kitty, that's fer sure, hehehe.
That was a nice poem he wrote her!
And Daisy, Momma's gigglin' about Mystery Science Theater 3000 -- she and Daddy love that show!
I can see why you were worried about it. They do all sleep just the same way. You were smart to check it out.
It was a very good thing that you checked out your sisters to see if they were podkitties. They are all sleeping in the same position. Thank you for dropping by my blog and wishing me well. My toes are feeling much better.
how is you supposed to know what a pod kitty smells like?
Hi, Monica! Yeah, it kinda spooked me when I saw they were all sleepin' the same. Twilight zone theme: doo doo doo doo...
Karen, I'm glad your surgery went well and that your toesies are better!
And Kimo & Sabi, that's a great question about what pod kitties smell like -- you know, I'm really not sure. But I reckoned they prob'ly wouldn't smell like GIRLZ, hehehe.
we is glad that yur sisfurs didnts get replaced by pod kitties. we wuz gettin owrried we wood get snatched by them aliens and replaced. dare we think what happens to the real kitties??? *gasp*
yuki & kimiko
Hi, Yuki and Kimiko! Yeah, that's furry scary, isn't it? We'll have to be extra-careful about watchin' out for pod kitties -- they sound even scarier than evil coffee stirrers!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hooray, they weren't pod kitties! That would have been awful! I am very glad that you are alright!
Mao! Are you sniffin' your sisters' butts????
Good thing you discovered this, Mao. You should always check out anything suspicious!
hehehehehe at what the Meezers said! Yeah, I was kinda sniffin' their butts. I like to do that anyway, even when I'm not worried they're pod kitties. Brainball doesn't care, Marilyn doesn't always mind, but Dorydoo would rather I kept my nose far away from her butt.
And hi to the crew and Kim and Oscar! I'm still keepin' an eye on my sisters but they seem to be their normal selves, thank goodness.
Ooooh that Bodysnatchers movie really freaked my mommy out. Then again, it's a little freeky to see all your sisters in the same position.
Then again...I like to sleep like that. :D
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me a message. White kitties are awesome....but chairman mao, you're pretty awesome too. ;)
Very interesting Mao! I wonder if it's a girl-kitty thing, that they all sleep in the same position.
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