Here's my oldest sister, Marilyn, who sez: I saw Mao spazzing around the house a few minutes ago, but now I don't see him. But I hear something funny. Dear me, what do you suppose that young'un has gotten into now?
And my second oldest -- and biggest -- sister, Brainball, sez: I hear something, too, but I'm not sure what it is. Over there, I think. Could it be MaoMao? I'd better go see. *sigh*, an Alpha Cat's work is never done.
And there's me, Chairman Mao, stuck in the bathroom 'cause I'd gone in there lookin' for toilet paper cores and I shut the door by mistake. I sez: Quit standin' around all moon-eyed and let me out! Let me out, confound it!
So Momma lets me out of the bathroom.
And Dorydoo sez: Aw dang it, Momma, did you have to let him out? He's just so silly. Boys! He's gonna give the rest of us boykitty cooties.
I enjoyed the story (with pictures). It was like reading an exciting book with a happy ending!
I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of your sisters. You told a nice story with them. I'm glad you got let out of the bathroom, even if your sisters weren't.
You locked yourself in the bathroom? Ooops! I'm glad your mom let you out, even if your sisters weren't!
I think you are lucky to have such nice sisters who look out for you! Even though I would be a little worried about boy cooties, too.
did i tell u dat mi brudder mickey haz hiz eye on yer sistah marilyn?
he duz.
luv--yer frend--jh
But Marilyn was married to Joe DiMaggio...But that was only for a short time....
I hate it when that happens!
how long were u stuck in there? ar u shure it wuznt planned by yur sisfers?
yuki & kimiko
Oh, we are so glad you got out of the bathroom! We hate being locked in anywhere, but that was a really good story you and your sisters told to us!
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
Thanks everybodies, and hehehehe! I wasn't in there too long -- I was spazzin' around the house like crazy, and I got in my head that there might be a cool toilet paper core to play with in the bathroom. Those thingies are way cool! So I ran in there then I shut the door on myself by mistake. Uh oh!
Marilyn and Brainball wanted to help me out but Dorydoo wanted me to stay in there. She still doesn't like me very much, even though I'm always tryin' to sniff her butt and make friends. Oh well, maybe one of these days Dorydoo will chill.
hehehehe, Jeter, that your bruther Mickey likes Marilyn! She's quite a purr-etty girlkitty, and she's a glamour girl, too. Momma says all of us kitties smell nice, but Marilyn smells like she goes to the department store and tries perfume samples or somethin'. And just the way her kittylips are, it looks like she's wearin' lipstick. I guess that's why she was named after Marilyn Monroe, hehehe, except that Marilyn is Marilyn MonREOW. She's really, really cuddly with the humans -- they call her "kittypie" and "powderpuff-cottonball" cat as nicknames. She doesn't like Dorydoo and Brainball too much, but she doesn't fuss with 'em much, just keeps her distance. She's kinda taken a liking to me, though, as her little brother.
Hey, guess what Jeter -- Marilyn's batting her eyelashes in Mickey's direction! She might wanna give him a big ol' kissy.
Kittyhugs and purrs to everybodies!
Hi there furriends!
Fangs for visiting! YAWWWWWN!! It's naptime. Have a purrrfect day!
Awwww boy kitty cooties.
You girls are so cute. And Mao... I know how you feel... when my bean girls lived at home (they are at kollig now) they and Prinnie were always making fun of me.... and sometimes daddie too.
We're the mancats!
I am glad you got out of the bathroom.
hehehe! Thanks! There's never a dull moment bein' the only boykitty in a houseful of girls. Daddy's the only other boy, but he isn't a kitty; he's a bean.
Purrs and kittyhugs!
Loved this story and the girl's expressions are priceless. It stinks you got locked in the bathroom. I'm glad your mommy was home to let you out. it looks like there is romance blooming with Marilyn and Mickey.......What fun!
Hi, Mr. Hendrix! I thanks you. And hehehe, I'm singin': *Mickey 'n' Marilyn sittin' in a tree, p-u-r-r-i-n-g!*
Tee hee. You gottaz lern how to unlock doors afor u go shuttin yurselv in.
Luf, Us
Hehehe, kitties at Forty Paws! My sister, Dorydoo practically can unlock doors -- she's kind of the Houdini kitty around here!
Hey MaoMao old buddy, you will not bleev this but Prinnie is forsing me to go around and inform the kitties that we had to tag for this meme thing. It was hard but maybe you can get your sisters to help you. or you can just mak up stuff.
come to my blog and see what you are in for....
Hahahaha! Be careful Mao...or them gurl kitties will take over yer blog! they probably were da ones who locked you in there to begin wif!
Hiya, Caesar! Thanks for taggin' me! That looks like a fun meme. I'll get to work on it tomorrow. Balance is one of the most important things about bein' a kitty, after all. And I'll get my sisters to join in!
And hehehehe, Kimo and Sabi! More and more I think my sisters might just take the whole bloggie and call it the Ballicus Girl Bloggie or somethin' and post about me bein' stuck in the bathroom every durn day! Girls. Can't live with 'em, can't swat 'em.
Purrs and kittyhugs to everybodies!
We haf gotten stuck in the bathroom too, it is horrifying ~Poiland Tribe
Charmee does that 'cept he's OUTSIDE the door wantin' to get IN and he stuffs his legs under the door to get Mom's attention.
Hiya, guys! hehehe, my sister, Dorydoo, doesn't like closed doors, either, and if a door is closed she's always tryin' to get in! And she's good at opening doors, too, all kinds of doors. She's a kitty genius, really, really, really smart, like Leonardo da Vinci or Houdini or somebody like that, 'cept they was beans, not kitties.
Hahaha, Cooties! Girls are funny that way. Fantastic Pictures of all the Ballicus Babies!
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