Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter and Happy Spring from Chairman Mao, Brainball, Marilyn, Dorydoo, and our Beans!

We Ballicai don't know who done this picture, but Momma got it off the Web and we thought it was cool. Kittyhugs and purrs to everybodies!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Happy Easter to all of you, and your humans too! :)

Daisy said...

Happy Easter to all of the ballacai!

Lux said...

Same to all of you!

Forty Paws said...

Yes, that's a cool picture!

Happy Easter to all of y'all!

Luf, Us

MaoMao said...

Thanks, everykitties! Kittyhugs and purrs!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Happy Easter to your entire gang!

We're having "Pre-dogwood winter" here in Northern Virginia. We had a bit of SNOW yesterday!


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Hello Marilyn,
I do hope you had a delightful Easter.
Yours sincerely,
(with thanks to my brother Jeter for allowing me to comment using his identity.)

MaoMao said...

Hi and thanks, Jake and Bathsheba! That Dogwood Winter's somethin' else, isn't it? It's in the twenties here in Tennessee.

And hiya, Mickey Mantle! Oh, here comes Marilyn, nudging me away from the keyboard...

*purrrrrr*, Hi there, Mickey! Thank you so much for your sweet Happy Easter wishes. I hope you had a wonderful, snuggly Easter.

Most purringly yours,

Marilyn MonREOW

Karen Jo said...

Happy Easter to all of you. I think it's cold all over. We got some snow flurries here and it has been COLD. Come back, Spring!

Anonymous said...

That is a very cool picture!

MaoMao said...

Thanks, Karen and Meezers! I think Spring's startin' to poke its head back in -- slowly but surely.

Purrs and kittyhugs to everybodies!

Anonymous said...

It's juuuust a bit late to say Happy Easter, but I hope you have plenty of leftover ham to enjoy today.

Anonymous said...

That is a very very cool picture. It is fun to snag stuff off the web :-D we do it a lottttttt

We hope you had a terrifical Easter


MaoMao said...

Hi, Mr. Kelly and Princess and Caesar! Thanks so much -- we Ballicai had a nifty Easter -- and yayyayyay, there's ham and turkey left, too! hehehehe!