Oh, you really look regal! And your fur colour is so cool! Now I see what you meant in your comment. ; ) When it comes to pictures I have a lot to learn from you. Purrs, Siena
Oh, my mom is happy to see you. Her very first baby was a snowshoe siamese. She's going to help me figure out how to get those ancient pictures on my blog. For now, we get to see you!
Mao!! You do look regal ;) I have the 'looking away' and 'closing eyes' down pat!!!!! It drives Mom crazy!! Maybe I should try to work with Mom a bit more,heeheehee Purrs Mickey
Oh, you really look regal! And your fur colour is so cool! Now I see what you meant in your comment. ; ) When it comes to pictures I have a lot to learn from you.
Purrs, Siena
Very good advice! Your plan works. We can tell.
Great rules, Mao! I will go practice!!!
We look furry handsome!
Purrs and ::high paw::,
We have never, ever managed to look inskrutable, but we well practice, MaoMao!
Good job Mao Mao! You do look very regal!
I like to move around alot while my Mum takes pictures too, then she gets lots of movement shots : )
Thanks for the advice! You are looking very regal today!
Very very neat and handsome~!!!
I am impress!
Oh that is an excellent rule! I love to keep them hopping!
Excellent Meezer Rule Mao - Leo is very fond of following this one too. Teaches the flashy box a good lesson!
purrs from us all..
Mao, have you had your coat dry cleaned? It is looking super fine:)
Oh my! We really enjoyed all of those wonderful photos of you!
Oh, my mom is happy to see you. Her very first baby was a snowshoe siamese. She's going to help me figure out how to get those ancient pictures on my blog. For now, we get to see you!
Mao!! You do look regal ;)
I have the 'looking away' and 'closing eyes' down pat!!!!! It drives Mom crazy!!
Maybe I should try to work with Mom a bit more,heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
You're a great rulemeister, Chairman Mao! It's good to see you again after not being able to blog much lately, thanks to my wacky human artists.
It is an importint meezer rool to haff many looks and moods. And to be as impossible as yoo can when the flashy bocks comes out. Yoo did grate!
Hi My Sweetie,
You look good from every angle(blush).Alls quiet here if you want to teleport over for a snuggle...Hugs and nose kissies your Wife Ariel
Yoor good at posing MaoMao, we usually just walk away when mom haf da flashy box.
Very very nice!
Yoo look so regal!
You rule your Momma good. Keep it up, Mao.
Excellent rules, Mao! You don't want the human to think she can take pictures of you looking adorable just any old time.
Your momma is lucky, because you are always photogenic no matter how you post, Mao!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Mao, that is an excellent rule, or an excellent set of rules. We miss you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Mao you look sooo regal in that second pikture!
deer ballicai
cood u take a moment an vote fer halloween squillion uv 2008?
click heer
pleez an thank u.
Thats pretty important Meezer advice.
Hugsabunches littlemeezerbrother...G
Congratulations! You are an expert in bothering your beans!! Muahahahahaha!
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