Here's Dorydoo, undercofur, showin only her little pawsie.

And here's me, lookin into our new tent, sayin WHO THE HECK IS IN THERE????

Momma gotted a new compooter, and we Ballicai think Marilyn's growed roots on it.

Somethin's got Brainball's attentshun...

Here's me doin an Owl Impresshun:

Here's Dorydoo doin a nice long stretch...

Here's me watchin a flyin buggie up near the ceiling:

Yup, Marilyn's still on that compooter....

And here's me in our cube, cleanin my toesies.

And here's Dorydoo gettin ready to whap the strap on Momma's kamura bag.

Dang if Marilyn still hasn't moved off that pooter!

And here's Brainball and me lookin like, in Momma's wurds, furry handsum mancats.

And here's Marilyn and Brainball sharin Momma's desk, and yup, Marilyn's still on that pooter.

And this pickshure -- a speshul #14 -- is espeshully fur my beeyootiful wife and sweetiepie Ariel -- in this pickshure, I'm thinkin about how furry, furry much I love her and how glad I am that her Gramma is gettin bettur.

You have lots of lots of lots of expression, Chairman Mao~!!! How impressive~!!!!
And I think Marilyn is floofier than I used to see her, is she? Or I just too long not to see her.
Everyone seems just fine, I am so happy to see 4 of you!!!!!
Haha everyone is very cute! And handsome and pretty of course.
Mommas favorite is the Owl impression, you look like you are saying " oh yeah, I'm all that and I knowz it", well momma says you should coz you are! :)
So much wonderful kitty photos in one post - that was great!
Those were wonderful pics of you all!!!!!
Love all the different poses!!
The PM loves the Owl one too!
Purrs and {{hugs}} from Goldie and Shade
It is good to see so much of you all! I bet that computer is comfy!
Hi My Sweetie,
Awww what a great Thursday Thirteen.
I love all the cute photos and especially #14.You are the sweetest best hubby in the whole world.I love you bunchies and think of you everyday...Love and Snuggles Your Wife Ariel
What a wonderful Thursday Thirteen! It was great seeing all of you. Mommy kept giggling at Marilyn on the computer.
Those are some awesome photos! I think my favorite is the one where you are cleaning your toes. It takes a lot of control to keep the toes spread like that.
Those are all great pictures. That one of you and Brainball is super handsome.
Marilyn, you look lovely as always.
And Dorydoo, you are the most bee-yoo-tee-fullest house panther ever.
Whiskie kissies,
Awww, I love all the poses. Especially, your owl's more like a "Hi, Babe, whatchadoin'" look.
Marilyn, sweetie, black is definitely your color! That computer looks like it was made just for you to sit on.
Big Brother're the man. Handsome as always.
Dorydoo, sweet and clever as ever.
I loved your TT. You all looks so fabulous.
Hugsabunches to my family...G
Looks like a good day for all of yoo. Happy faycis all around. Marilyn still on da pooter?
We like all those photos, but is Marilyn off that pooter yet?
What adorable pictures. You are all so good-looking.
Stop by when you can. We gave you an award.
Nice pictures of all of you - your new tent looks very cool!
Those were great! I bet Marilyn is still on the computer!
Mom!!!!!! Sheesh!!!!!!1
Mom liked Dorydoo's paw, and your paw getting cleaned Mao :o
Mom is weird :)
I liked all the pictures :) WE all give the 'owl' look to Mom when the flashy box comes out ,heehee
I hope you got your Mom straightened out about your blog ,or some good treats ;)
Purrs Mickey
I love your Owl expression, CM! And Dorydoo has awesome paws.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Those are great pictures. We like how in the last one of Marilyn by herself, we can see Brainball's reflection under Marilyn.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Those are terrific photos of all of you!
Congratulations on your wedding, Mao! We are very sorry we couldn't be there. :( Our mom was ill with food poisoning, and she didn't have any energy to help us blog and visit last week and last weekend.
WOWY - we did nt realize until we saw these photos, that you has a little brown "jazz patch" under yer chin!
What wonderfully cute photos, Mao Mao! Mommie wants to reach out and give u all scritches!
Sorry we missed urs and Ariel's special day, we will go over to Ariel's and send our warmest hugs. U both make the most beautiful pair together. :)
Purrs and Kissies,
It's great to see you guys doing well ~ all the pictures are great..especially the first one! btw Brainball is one mighty mancat!
Mao i jus luf yoor owl im-press-shun iz best sing effur!
Those are adorable pictures. Your new tent looks really cool. I love your owl impression. That compooter must be the best seat in the house and Marilyn's not giving it up.
Hi Sweetie,
Mom is finally back and Grandma is doing much better.She was so touched by all the well wishes she got.She told mom to send you all a big (HUG) from her.Mom also brought back some treats and a soft blanket that grandpa sent me.So please teleport over for a snuggle asap.I love you bunchies and sweet dreams...Your Wife Ariel
We love your owl impressions, Mao!
What wonderful photos!
I especially like the one of you two handsome mancats!
mao mao I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have the most comic expression! You are gorgeous!!!So are the other ballicai of course
That is a great assortment of pictures of you all!
hai! dat floofy woofie isis no wanna be furrend! She wants ta eet mez!
Good job Marilyn!!! Nobody will be able to steal your place on the computer! Muahahahahahaha!!!
Very nice pictures of all of you :-D Congratulations on your award, it's very well deserved!
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