And we learned that our sweet furriend Felix wented to the Bridgie yesterday. Please go vizzit his bloggie and give his Mommy lots of love and purrs.

We Ballicai want to send hugs to efurrybodies onna Kitty and alla the Critter Bloggiespheres. Whethur in sad times or in good times, it is a blessing to have furriends.
Here's me, MaoMao, sending huggies...

Here's Brainball, sending huggies...

Here's Dorydoo, sending huggies...

And here's Marilyn, sendin huggies...

Our sweet furriend Tesla putted a smile on our faces by givin us the Brilliante Webloggie Awardie! Thankies so much, Tesla!

We Ballicai wanna pass the awardie to the whole Kitty Bloggiesphere bekause we are so touched by the way efurrybodies comes together to give love and support to those in need.
All of you Kitty, Woofie and Bun Bloggers light up the Bloggiesphere brilliantly with your love.
Those are all wonderful hugs from all of you! I'm (((hugging))) all of you back!
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
You're right - it is a blessing to have furriends! I loved all of your hugs and I'm sending (((hugs))) right back over to all of you! And that is so nice of you to pass your award on to everyone!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
The best thing about hugs is they are just as great when returned ((((hugs))) to all of you.
We are sending (((HUGS))) right back atcha.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Here are my hugs!!!!
Adan ((((((((hug)))))))))Marilyn!
Adan ((((((((hug)))))))))Chairman Mao!
Adan ((((((((hug)))))))))Brainball!
Adan ((((((((hug)))))))))Dorydoo!!
Here are my hugs, too!!
Lego ((((((((hug)))))))))Marilyn!
Lego ((((((((hug)))))))))Chairman Mao!
Lego ((((((((hug)))))))))Brainball!
Lego ((((((((hug)))))))))DoryDoo!
Thank you for remembering our sweet Felix. We need and appreciate all of the hugs. They mean more than you know.
Mommy Jenny
It has been a hard week. Thank you for your hugs and I am sending {{{HUGS}}} right back to all of you. It is wonderful of you to pass your award on to everyone.
(((HUGS))) to all of you Ballicai, too!
Those were super hugs!!!!!
Here's some back at ya!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} from Goldie
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} from Shade
This is a good time to let you all know that I am very happy that we are friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many, many, many strong hugs right back to you!
*Hugs* to all of you!!! Have a blessed day!
It has been a very sad week. It is great to have friends like you and we are sending (((hugs))) and more (((hugs))).
It has indeed been a very sad week. How wonderful that we can all comfort and support each other.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to each and everyone one of you Ballicai, and your mommy and daddy too!
smooches and huggles to all of you and fank yoo for putting a big kitty smile on our faces...it's been a sad week around the blogosphere...
sending hugs right back atcha from the Fluffy Tribe
Wonderful huggles from our favorite Ballicai.
You look so sweet.
You are correct, we need our friends!
congrats on this awardie!
Thanks for all the hugs, it sure is good to have so many furriends who will care for each other! Hugs back to all my Ballicai friends!
Sank yoo fur lightin candles wif meh. I will be doin dis all weekend long.
I hope yoo join ins!
Many hugs and purrs right back to you, sweet Ballicai!
Oh boy, buddies, it sure has been a sad, weepy week. Thanks for the huggies.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Sending {{{huggies}}}} right back to all of you!
I shall send my huggies to everyone too!
Thank you for the hugs. This has been such a sad week. Here's {{hugs}} for all of you.
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