I love boxes. Momma ordered some books online, and after she got 'em out of the box, I claimed it in the name of catdom.
Though I'm not a little mancat, I'm good at waddin myself up in little boxes! Ariel, I'd love it if you'd come and snuggle with me! Think we could both fit in this box?
What a great box, Mao! Those boxes that mommies get in the mail are always so purrfect for us mancats to nap in. I hope mommy orders something new soon . . . our last box is getting kind of worn out with all the scratching it's gotten.
That's a nice box, Mao. The Mom likes to play a game with me where I squeeze into a box and she closes it up and then threatens to ship it back to where it came from. I'm not sure I like that game. But whatever.
Please give Dorydoo lots of whiskie kissies for me.
That looks like a sooper box! Sometimes da small ones are da best cuz no other podin can hog in on it!
Buddah has a box like that. *I* wanted it but he got to it first :(
That is a perfect box!!!
I can tell your expression is totally happy, Chairman Mao!!
Meezers are the best at getting into boxes. I just love them!
Oh yes, boxes are wonderful! And this one is a very cool box!
Oh Mao! I love that box!
Hi My Sweetie,
"Oh" that box looks so cozy I'm on my way....Love Ya Ariel
What a great box, Mao! Those boxes that mommies get in the mail are always so purrfect for us mancats to nap in. I hope mommy orders something new soon . . . our last box is getting kind of worn out with all the scratching it's gotten.
(PS: Mommy squealed over your handsomeness!)
That's a nice box, Mao. The Mom likes to play a game with me where I squeeze into a box and she closes it up and then threatens to ship it back to where it came from. I'm not sure I like that game. But whatever.
Please give Dorydoo lots of whiskie kissies for me.
Whenever we get a delivery all of our cats immediately go for the box. They want it opened! Then it's a race to see who can claim it first :-D
I love the boxes too! Can I share with you?
Oh yeah, dem is good boxes...::hey mom, yoo need more books:: yup, yoo fit in der just fine wif a little room left over fur Ariel.
Mao, that's a first-rate box! All sturdy and new, and no fang marks...yet! I'll bet you and you're girl will fit nicely in it!
We like boxes, too!
That looks like a good one :)
~ Bandit and KittyBoy
BOX!!!! I love a box!!!!!!
It's good to be the first to claim it :) heh,heh,heh!!!
Purrs Mickey
We love to play in boxes too. Mom always makes sure she leaves us a couple to play in.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
oh yes i loves boxes too. That looks like an awesome snuggle box.
We see a corner there, so we bet Ariel wouldn't have any trouble fitting in the box too.
Boxes are fun. Too bad humans throw them out.
Boxes are the best!
Careful Mao! What if the UPS man shows up and gets confused? You could end up anywhere!
Hi My Sweetie,
Please go to our wedding blog page and see the beautiful graphics.....
Love and Many Kisses Your Ariel
What a great box Mao! We love when boxes come into our house. I claim every one for my very own!
Dear MaoMao,
I made a card for you and Ariel,
I have post on your wedding page,
The blue ocean with you 2 that one.
I hope you like it.
A cat in the box is pretty cute too ;)
Are you getting excited yet Mao ?
Only 1 week left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Love your box! And you look handsome as always...
Boxes are just great!! Have fun!!
Mao, you look all snuggy in there! We love all those Amazon boxes our Mommy and Daddy get, too!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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