Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Toes Tuesday

You can see my toesies real good in this pickshure -- and my silvur paw paddies and one of my clawsies, too!

And here's a picshure of my paw and toesies lookin HUGE!!!!!

Wait a minnit! What's up with that kamera angle, Mom? My toesies really aren't biggur than my head!


Mr. Echo said...

Yoo gots iddy biddy toe pads. Mommy wants to play wif em. Bedder yoo than me!

Gretchen said...

The bigger the paw, the harder the whap!

Keep the big paw image.

Hugsabunches dear brother-cuz...G

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I like your white paws, Chairman~!
Very adorable~!
Bigger paws means you have great charge ability~!!! HEHEHEHE~~

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You have adorable paws, Mao, and tiny paw pads - at least they seem so compared to our thick Sphynx paw pads!

Parker said...

Here's what my Mommy said -

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW Mao!!! Silver paws are so cool!! Moms like to do wierd things with the flashy box! I think you have great Mancat paws! :)
Purrs Mickey

The Cat Realm said...

You are just the cutes, Mao! And such pretty paws.... And you look like you are really enjoying your nap, just like a mancat would!
I still can't get over it that Dorydoo is Madonna, hahahahahahahahahahahaha - Emil by the way is Tiger Woods. No one here understands how that could happen, hahahahahaha.
Me, I am boring old Al Gore. Not like my fabulous fiance Ruis who came out Mick Jagger!!! Hahahahahahaha.
I had to google Johnny Knoxville - I did not know him.... but the description on your blog compliments you perfectly!
Your friend Karl

Tybalt said...

Oh, Mao, my mommy LOVES your toesies! She was trying to kiss them through the monitor - how embarrassing!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very kissable toes!! The PM said that, not me!!!

Well, I would wash them for you if you needed some help.


Unknown said...

Mao Mao, I just love your silver toe pads - I have never seen silver toe pads on any other cat ever!

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome paw pads! At least the camera angle didn't make your butt look bigger! heh

Hi Dorydoo!
Whiskie kissies to you!

Ana said...

What cool toesies you have!

Anonymous said...

Hi my sweetie,

It's that angle I was talking about.I know you got cute small toesies...Love and Many Kisses your Ariel

Anonymous said...

Mao you have adorable toesies! Our mom just adores kitty feets. She's weird.

Chrissie said...

Hey, dude! We can almost see up your nose!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

MaoMao, our Momma wants to massage your cute toesies! Do you like that? Me and Simon do, but Sabrina doesn't so much.
Purrs and headbutts,

Monty Q. Kat said...

They are mancat toes of DOOM! ;D

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Omg Mao, you have the cutest toeses!! I won't let mommy see my toes.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I am sure your toes are not bigger than your head!

The Crew said...

It's desirable for a Mancat to have big paws, but not bigger than his head!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I love your toesies :-) The silver on white fur is adorable!

PS: I hope you didn't get your claws trimmed later. The one looks pretty long.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

What adorrrrabibble toes and pawpads you have.
Mine are pink (my fav color) and Pierro's are silver-ish.

happy day and purrrs

The Cat Realm said...

Dorydoooooooo - this is Emil - there is a BIG party at Criz blog
with awesome food and we could have a BURPING CONTEST afterwards!!!!!
Come on over and bring the rest of the bunch!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, Mao Mao ... Those are some furry fetching paws that you've got. They look a whole lot like mine!

Sassy Kat said...

We want to thank you, Brainball, for working so hard on your part in CCSI III. You have gone way above and beyond the call of duty making your part be the best is can be. Big weekend coming up with the premier showing of CCSI III. Great working with you.
Sassy, Momo, Karl, Ruis, Opus & Roscoe

Tesla and Hansel said...

Yoo haz such nice toesies.