When you're playin with one of yur fav'rit toys, like say a catnip bananer -- espeshully on Halloween! -- do the red laser eyes on yur beans to show 'em whatta fierce Meezer you are!
Ariel, Sweetiepie, wanna teleport ofur and play catnip bananer with me? Aftur that, we'll have us lotsa good snugglies, then we'll go trick or treatin' in them kool Munster Kostumes you made fur us! We'll have FUNSIES!
Happy Halloween, efurrybodies!
Happy Halloween, efurrybodies!
Happy Halloween to all of you Ballicai.
We are going to have a fun day!
Hi Sweetie,
I'm on my way.Yet you'll have to protect me from anything scary.I'm
also bringing my blanket and some salmon temptations....Kissies Ariel
Dearest Chairman Mao,
Also wish you have a great Halloween~!! With all of your family~!!!
Happy Halloween, Mao!! Also two pair of Meezer red laser eyes in the house here!:)
Have fun all!
And that's a great toy to play with!!!! My favorite!
Those are one of the coolest laser eyes I ever saw!!!!
Happy Halloween!
Anastasia has a picture on her blog: foreveranastasia.blogspot.com!
Happy Halloween, and may you get all treats and no tricks!
WOWY - them is some scary lazur eyes! Happy Halloweenie to you and all yer fambly!
Happy Halloween from downunder!
Happy Halloween Mao! And all the others!
I hope you got lots of treats.
Great rule, Mao! :) Happy Hallowe'en to all of you! :)
Love those laser eyes. Sorry we missed you so much. Glad that Brainball is better - love and purrs from us at the SnowForest home :)
Those are some askeery laser eyes, Mao. Yikes! Happy Halloween to you guys!!!
Tazo & Titus
Mao and Brainball, is it ok if I come over and snuggle with Dorydoo?
Whiskie kissies to you, Dorydoo,
Scared very scared - no don't laser me with your eyes Mao.
Happy halloweeeeeeeen.
FAZ the Wimbledon Witch
Very good meezer rule. Fierceness is important. Happy Halloween!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Aaaagh...oh, yoo scared us fur a second! Happy Holloween. yoor nanner looks like it's been loved a lot!
Happy Halloween!!! I wish you a successful trick or treat! That bananer obviously needs replacement...
Hey, that catnip bananer looks like it has been played with a lot!
ooo, your laser eyes are scary! Perfect for Halloween!!!!
Great Halloween eyes!!
Oh you've done a good job on that banana!!!
Very fierce eyes!
Love the evil eyes! It is a great, fierce Halloween look!
You iz a hoot of a meezer. You makes me proud to be your frend. Your lazer eyez iz da bestee I have seen. You could almost make da mad Burr-man shiver a bit. Of course, da bananer doez reveal your softer side!
-Dr Tweety
You're scary with your red laser eyes :-0
Happy Halloween to all of your family :-D
Mao Mao, your eyes look funny! Very Halloween like : )
Have a Happy Halloween!
Dorydoo, EG got all blushie and passed out when he saw the sidebar. hee hee I think he likes it.
OOOOOooooooOOOOOOooooo, Mao, make sure you get back before midnight. You don't want a witch flying over ya and casting a spell. You could be turned into a girly cat...
Love the 'demon" eyes!!! Heh,heh,heh!
Happy Halloween!
Yeah - get 'em wif da red eye! Hey - yoo look pretty good against dat floor. Nice contrast. Happy Halloween!
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