Monday, October 22, 2007

Mancat Monday: Meezer, Alpha, and Fluffhead

It's good to be back to bloggin' aftur Momma hogged our 'pooter all weekend! Here's me sayin', Momma, aren't you gonna let us have our 'pooter back yet??

And here's Brainball, patiently waiting... check out those floofy pawsies! He's doin' much bettur and doesn't have to take meds no more. He's glad. He thought they were ickypoo.

But efun though we've been impayshunt to get back to bloggin', we've been havin' a whole lotta fun! See, we have a third mancat inna housie this week. His name is Mike the Mysterious, and he's a fluffhead kitty who lives with our sister Gretchen! Mike's decided he wants to see the wurld and have advenchures, so he's telleported ofur to our housie to spend the week with us. Here he is, takin' a nappie inna laundry with me and Brainball and Dorydoo.

And Marilyn's posed fur a pickshure with him on her bloggie, too!

Here's Mike's Portal. When he finishes his visit, we're gonna post on his portal and tell all about his advenchures with us and all the fun we had, and post more pickshures, too. Mike is a superduper fella! He's not just Mysterious, he's mischievyus too, which makes him my kind of dude!

And he's wantin' to have more fun advenchures, so if you'd like Mike to telleport ofur to yur housie, let him know at Gretchen's bloggie or at his Portal! He's already buildin' up qwite a travel itinerary -- aftur he finishes his visit with us Ballicai, he's gonna visit Kellie the Orange Cat, and then he's goin' to Sweden to visit my bruther Yoggie!

I send love and kissies to my sweetie Ariel, Brainball sends love and kissies to his Patches Lady, and Dorydoo's winkin' and smilin' at Earl Grey!


Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh Mao!

Look at dat kittee pile!!!! I lovez kitee pilez, although I do not partake of dem. I just like to lookee at dem. Mebbe one day I will do more den lick my frend Delilah's earz. Mebbe when da mad Burr-man & I are senior citizenz, we shall sleep in da ever-lovely kittee pile!

-Dr Tweety

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

Awww what a cute bunch of mancats.
I know Mike Will have a wonderful time with all of you Ballicus cause
your all so sweet and fun...Love and kisses Your Ariel

Lux said...

Look at you mancats! That's cool that Mike has come to visit with you.

P.S. I'm sure glad Brainball doesn't have to take any more meds!

Anonymous said...

You guys are very handsome mancats. I think that I should invite Mike over here.

Anonymous said...

I'm furry glad to see you all back!

Brainball, you have paws almost as big as mine!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hahahaha, I can see Brainball is really patient waiting, I am laughing and laughing for his pose~!!!

Now I finally understand the way of Mike's travel plan, I will ask michico~! I think I also could invite him to come~!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ooo, kitty pile in da lawndry...our kinda napping.

Tara said...

What a pile of mancats! I'm swoonin....

The Cat Realm said...

Mao - I love the demanding and a bit angry look on your face very much!!! What fun to have a visitor over, I think I will head over and invite Mike to spend some time with us here at The Cat Realm too. Mrs.OZ will hate him, but he can maybe take Emil off my shoulders (LITERALLY) for a while....
Good to have you back on the computer!

Parker said...

Hi Mao Mao! It looks like playing with Mike is fun!

ZOOLATRY said...

Hey, do you guys also "fold" and "put away"...

Earl Grey said...

You guys look very mancatly. Good to hear that Brainball is done with the icky medicines and feeling better.

*checking breath in paw*
Hi Dorydoo! If it's ok with your brothers, do you want to come over and play in the water bowl today? It's super fun. And makes a big puddle on the floor. heh heh

Hope to see you later.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Good to see you all back!!

~ Napoleon

Daisy said...

It looks like you had a great time with Mike the Mysterious. I am glad Brainball is all done with the yuck-o medicines.

Sunny's Mommy said...

You and Brainball do look very bored without your computer. I'm glad your Mom gave it back.

Enjoy your visitor this week. It looks like Mike the Mysterious is fitting right in!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We're glad that your Mom finally gave you back the computer. And Mike the Mysterious fits right in with you guys too!

Anonymous said...

That is soooooo cool, that you have so much fun with the fluffy Mike! Enjoy yourself!

Christine and FAZ said...

Guys, you are good to be so patient but I think maybe you are too good. The odd bitey might get more computer action coming your way. What do you think? FAZ

p.s. I like Mike the Mysterious fluffhead.

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow, that kitty pile looks awesome. i'd love to hop in there and get warm and cozy. but, i have my purdue blankie to keep me warm on chilly days, and mommy at night.
i think i'll invite mike to visit me too!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

ps i'm very glad Brainball is all better!!! Mancat head nuzzles to him for a speedy recovery!

The Wanderer said...

as long as he is only visitings, then its all good. You don't want to give your mum any ideas about a real kitty addition. ;)

Mickey's Musings said...

Welcome back guys!!
It's nice of you to have Mikey over.You are such kind kitties.

Jimmy Joe said...

That is a nice batch of kitties on the laundry, there. I didn't know you could look so peeved, Mao. Well done1
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

Hi My Sweet Mao,

Everything's fine here.Mom went to the mall with grandma today.Grandma loves to shop so they got an early
start on Christmas.I hope they got me something.Hope alls well with you
my sweetie.I love you lots...Love and Many kissies Your Ariel

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

How exciting to have Mike in da house. You guys all look so comfy there. Happy Mancat Monday to you, too!
Mr. Chen & Ollie