I'm plumb tuckered out, and I'm nappin' on Dad's workbench in his project roomie. Kind of a mancatly thingie to do, don'tcha think?

I've been spazzin' and spazzin' all day. I've been battin' toilet paper cores and killin' EVIL coffee stirrers and keepin' a close watch on them freaky-lookin' toothbrushie thingies and pullin' up drainstops and playin' with the water in the sinkie (that's FUN!) and jumpin' on the counter and knockin' stuff off the top of the fridge thingie and watchin' the toilet flushie and tryin' to climb up the blinds (but I'm not surposed to do that and momma made me quit) and tryin' to explore the trashcans (but I'm not surposed to do that and momma made me quit, DAGNABBIT).
I've also been chasin' my sistur Marilyn around the house (she got tired of it and hissed at me then jumped up on the JVC receiver to get away frum me -- GIRLZ!), I've been aggravatin' holy heck outta my sistur Dorydoo (she hisses at me a whole lot but I know she secretly likes to be chased 'cause she chases me back, hehehe).
And Brainball's teachin' me about bein' a big bad butt-kickin' Alpha Cat, and I'm surposed to go on patrol with her in just a little while. I'm a worn out mancat, lemme tell ya what! A mancat's work is nefur done.
Fur now, I'm gonna catch a few more zzzzzz's and dream sweet dreams of my sweet girlfurriendkitty, Ariel.
Taking time out to nap is a very important thing for a big mancat to do - that's what my brother said!
Hi My Sweet Chairman Mao,
"Wow" sounds like you've been a very busy boy.If Marilyn and Dorydoo get
mad at you for chasing them you can always come and chase me(blush).I even let you catch me.Please be careful when you go on patrol with Brainball cause if anyone hurt you or something I be very mad.I wish I was there snuggling with you...Love and
kitty kisses your Ariel
Mao you are a big kitten at heart, Fiona was doing most of that stuff yesterday too, she found she likes to get into the dishwasher while momma is putting dishes in it.
You look very weary after such a busy day! You do look manly in your daddies room though. I like being with my dad. Too many girls here too
Mao, you are one busy bee! It's no wonder you are tuckered out. Napping on the workbench sounds like just the ticket!
Hi My Sweet Chairman Mao,
Love the globe and it's now on my blog.Thanks for doing this your so sweet...Love and kitty kisses your Ariel
You certainly have had a busy day, Mao. No wonder you're worn out!
Napping on a workbench is a very mancatly thing to do. You have certainly been very busy today. No wonder you needed a nap. Have a good patrol with Brainball.
What a busy day you've had. You certainly deserve your rest.
haha I bet you are a realy handful at times!!!
All that stuff sounds soooo cool. I'm taking notes. Especially on the napping part.
Earl Grey
Thanks for flying the globes in your sidebar. They're really lovely. I'm adding them to the gallery now.
Peace and see you tomorrow!
Hello Chairman Mao, it's so nice to meet Marilyn's brother. You looked very cute sleeping on your Dad's workbench. Your peace globes are very nice, too.
Samantha & Tigger
Sounds like you had a very busy day, Mao. No wonder you are napping now.
Thanks for stopping by our blog. I'm glad that you have such a great appreciation for opening cabinets, too. It rocks!!! We found a new one to open last night. Mom doesn't think we can get it open, so she didn't put a stupid lock on it. heh heh
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