Here's a peek at her softie side: she helped raise my sistur, Dorydoo. Dorydoo came here when she was just a li'l kitten, and Brainball wuz kinda like a momcat to her. Mom sez it wuz furry sweet (that wuz before I got here).
And lookit that pink belly of Brainball's! Good thing Brainball ain't the kinda gurl who'd say, This pikshure makes me look FAT. But really, she ain't too fat. She's just reeeeeeal floofy.
And now a poem fur my sweet girlkittyfurriend:
My sister Brainball is floofy
But this li'l Meezer boy's goofy
But goofy or no
I'm so head over toe
In love with my Ariel, I'm loopy!

How'z that? I'm gettin' bettur at poetry, don't ya think?? (yeah, in the pikshure I'm on the counter again, and that's a pot behind me, hehehe)
deer mao,
brainball iz a byootiful cat. mi sistah kallie iz/wuz floofy. she'z old now an she haz lottsa knotz an matz in her floofiness becuz she sorta stopped cleenin herself. dere iz discushin abowt givin her a shavin. more on dat later.
yer poem iz perfect an verree romantic! floofy ... goofy ... loopy ... shakespeer coulden't uv sed it better!
yer grate frend--jh
Brainball is a floofy delight. Be careful and don't land in that pot!
Brainball is furry bootiful, her floffiness is delightful!
Hi My Sweet Chairman Mao,
Brainball looks like a very sweet kitty.Of course she loves you your so sweet and adorable.Once again I love the poem and you too...Love and kisses Your Ariel
Brainball is so floofy and purrty!
that's a great poem MaoMao!
Mao, this is a great poem!
Brainball is an adorrrrabibbble snugglepuss
mao, your poetry is getting better!
your sister is gorgeous, and i'm glad she was mom to your sisfur.
(and i am proof of the healing power of purrs!)
Brainball has a cute tummy. I like the picture of you on the counter. Did you get to take a nap there?
Oh, I adore Brainball! A big alpha cat with a soft side! She is very sweet and beautiful, too.
Mao, your poems are getting better and better!
Brainball is very floofy and fluffy. She sounds like a great sister. I like your limerick - it is very good!
Mao, your poetry is improving by leaps and bounds. Brainball looks adorable in her photo.
he he he lovely poem but the pic of you really made me laugh! You look so serious ! Your sis is beautiful!
Brainball is so cute with all that floof! I'm kinda floofy myself!
Chairman Mao - your poem is pawesome!
You and your sister are two good looking kitties, Ali wants to cozy up next to her lovely floofy furs.
Oh Mao Mao, that is a beautiful photo of your beautiful sister, Brainball. And, what a handsome cat you are, too. Yur poetry sure is good! Ariel must be all a twitter!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
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